Feedback in the style of other jams, since I'm better at giving feedback in that style.
Innovation: Honestly a very creative way to make the player's relationship with projectiles feel unique. Especially the twist added in 2nd room.
Graphics: The art was very readable and cute. Good stuff, no notes!
Audio: The music SLAPS. I love me some funky synth jams, and this had me grooving.
Fun: I cannot stress how excited I was to see the green sword in the second room. At an immediate glance I knew I would be juggling the items I could fit in my 2 hands, and my face lit up. I only wish there were more rooms with an increasing number of swords I had to manage, HA!
Theme/Limitation: Okay, so having the same item twice is way too clever. The absolute genius idea of making a red/blue sword that do the same thing to different projectiles- what an incredibly great take on this limitation.
Overall: It's a perfect jam game. Short and sweet with a really dang good twist halfway through. Bravo!