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(1 edit)

Hey hey, as a general FYI, you didn't update your @plugindesc to reflect the latest version number 1.2.1 in the Pro version. Also added this in the VS discord but asking here as well. 

I'm building in some targeting stuff thats based on the enemies columIndex However the columnIndex being set doesn't seem to be correct? 

I have an enemy set directly as Ranged, whos columnIndex becomes 0 in battle. Another set directly as Melee whos columnIndex is 1. However when using Boss or a Random notetag its a bit wonky. 

Ex: Using Random1 for an enemy. One Enemy is Up front as Melee and the other is Ranged position as intended. However the Melee one is set to columnIndex 0 while the Ranged positioned one is set to columnIndex 2. Boss is set to columnIndex 0 as well.

Ideal would be if the positioning determines the columnIndex a little more absolutely. 

So any enemy in the Ranged Column should always end up with "columnIndex 1", All bosses should always be considered "columnIndex 4", etc.