I really like the concept of the game, and I think the two item limitation is conceptualized and met pretty well. I can absolutely see what you're going for with the game, skill based is a ton of fun, but I think this one could use some tweaks. The basic movement is a little slippery and too hard to control at times, which makes the enhanced mobility options tougher to use. I think it would need a bit of fiddling to get right, but I know it would turn into a really awesome system if given the proper care. As mentioned by others, more instructions would be helpful. I could just have failed to achieve it, but it seems that clearing that first tall wall requires a lot of momentum built up, so putting the instructions right at the wall requires you to go up to it, interpret the sign, go back a bit, and then attempt the jump. I think putting it earlier, possibly at the beginning of the stretch leading up to it, would communicate what to do a bit more clearly, and if a player misses it and has to come back still, it's on them for running past it. That's just one minute nitpick though. Overall, I think if you like the core concept and want to dive into this style of movement even more, you should. I think any game going for this type of movement would feel pretty similar after just three days, so give it the time it needs and you'll have something awesome!