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It is amazing just how many emergent weird tricks and strategies and synergies such a simple system can have. A neat one that I discovered that I don't think has been mentioned before: If you have an enemy archer problem, especially with a bunch in the same row (I actually had an entire row full of nothing but archers at one point), the Summon book works better than replacing their bows with the Bat Curse. Just place your summon one space before the furthest place on the field as soon as the battle starts; this will block the archers from taking a step, and give the rest of your units time to catch up to them, so they can take over blocking movement. Works best with a Rocker to Bless summons anywhere in the field. Depending on the situation, it doesn't just have to be at the start of the battle; if unit deaths create another 2+ space gap, just pause and drop another summon in the gap.