Thanks so much! With the drawers I didn't have enough time to create art for the inside of them, or their contents, so I just made it solely audio based, when you click on a drawer, if it's empty it just makes a drawer opening and closing sound, or if there's something inside the drawer it makes the sound of that item to indicate you collected the item.
For the purple books puzzle you are on the right track with looking at the paper on the desk. There are also audio cues that go along with that puzzle that should help you with figuring out what to do, however the audio mixing was the last thing I did for this game, I was super tired and running out of time, so it isn't as polished as I'd like, and the audio cues for that puzzle are really quiet, so it might help to turn up the volume. If you have the fireplace going, I'd advice clicking on the fire to put it out so you can hear better, you can always re-light the fire.