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(1 edit)


1st go: lost on purpose and received ending.

2nd go: Made all the prompted selections and selected candidate at end just to receive the same exact ending as the first run.

3rd go: Cannot get past Buddies first line without instantly being hit with same ending spamming me over and over :(

I was recording as well so I captured it all on a good note?

I would assume that is NOT supposed to happen with 9 endings and all haha

Thought I'd relay the initial run for ya! 

Thank you for the report! Unfortunately we didn't manage to test as much as we wanted in order to deliver the game in 7 days for the Screen TV jam. We are definitely going to patch as soon as possible. At the moment the best way to sort the problems would be to quit the game after an ending and start again instead of relying on the Play again option. Apologies for the issue. 

My pleasure and I will do what you recommend Duck ^^

(1 edit)

I added a disclaimer in the game description. Thanks so much again.