Some ambient noise would have gone a long way towards improving the games atmosphere, and would definitely brought the sound and visuals to a 5/5 however I can not judge a game on its potential, nor by the game I wish it was, and believe that with more time it could become, but I must instead judge it on what it is now. the simplistic visuals and sharp lighting give it a powerful emotional impact, amplified by the structures simple geometry and immense scale, made seemingly infinite by the lack of visual reference to the contrary. If you are like me and love cold war era brutalist architecture to an unreasonable extent, and are looking for a game that is able to portray the art stile in an authentic and impactful way this game is for you.
Another slight issue arises when the games artistic vision gets in the way of predetermined requirements, such as theme.
I am not joking when I say I may remember this game longer than any outer submissions in this jam, and my time playing this game will almost certainly impact my future works.
having played this game I am certain that if Gerd Hänska could have made the Mäusebunker an enormous concrete pillar in the middle of a seemingly endless and almost blindingly bright void, he would have done exactly that.