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(1 edit) (+2)

I am once again here to sing my praises of this game, and its predecessor. The release date is fast approaching, and I will be thoroughly pleased when it finally does.

The previous game allows you to play as a gradually maturing individual. Which is already incredible, all things considered. But this one allows you to pick how you are perceived, based on your actions. Which is just— amazing. Wonderful. Brilliant. Apparently I'm British now. Anyhow.

I am so very incredibly tired of MC entities in games, visual novels especially, being an energetic, sociable bumbling idiot. It works for some people. Not for me. I text people like im writing my college thesis. So the fact that you can be perceived as the opposite, and various other archetypes is very special to me.

(For reference, I have Alexithemia. Effectively real-life edgy emo emotionless anime character syndrome. Its a hassle. And it makes having a character that I have to bear the consequences of acting like an overemotional, immature brat so very frustrating. This game and the previous, barring very few instances, lets you avoid most of that if you wish to.)

I dont have a good way to end this comment. Good game. Very recommend. Am happy.


Thank you so much!