This was fascinating, and very well written. particularly when I couldn't figure out the password, it compelled me to open of the browser debugger and peak around.
I understand from the comments on the submission page and the comments in the code that you feel like you were far from reaching your goal, from satisfyingly obtaining your potential. I think you shouldn't beat yourself up so much--creating games is difficult at the best of times, and hardly so when under a 7 day turn around. That's how I try to think about these game jams: we're not meant to _really_ make what we want, because our natural human ambition and creativity necessarily make us grow outside of our means. To phrase it a different way, I'm not surprised you wish you could have done more with this, because that's just how these things work. That sort of spirit is exactly the sort of thing to cultivate, so that the next time you get a little bit better, and a little bit closer, to that dream in your head becoming reality.
The writing in this game was fantastic and gripping, and it's certainly your strong suit. While there were some portions where I got lost a little, that might partly be a personal difficulty I have with reading, and partly because at certain points, especially towards the end, reality is crumbling such that confusion is exactly the sort of emotion _to_ have.
You've created something great here, and I'm really excited to see whatever art you spend time on next. Thanks for all your hard work.