If you're using translator i recommend deepl.com ;)
"story mode is too slow pieced" : if you mean the 'Story Mode' progression, i'd say it's ok, leveling up stats is also more or less ok. If you desire a faster access to all features i recommend trying 'Free Mode'.
Yet from the rest of the context i'm assuming you meant Nishy's walk speed while taming the bunny. There will be an easier way to tame wild creatures after you progress closer to the end of the game. As for now i can only recommend: keeping shift key down and going into white orbs, and strategically taming creatures near green totems.
"pink color that might hurt eyes if stay too long" : i think you mean the diamond indicator above bunny's head which is flashing pink. I am usually not even seeing that part since i keep walking rapidly (with shift key pressed) and it the indicator is not in the camera. I'll give it some thought, thnx
P.S.: I don't know how it was translated, i did not mean anything rude or personal