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Hi Bullhead!

It's always good to hear from a fellow indiedev, especially one who also loves and develops horror titles as well. ^^

Yeahhh...I do understand that. The VN format is so static, it is very hard to illicit fear in the same way that something moving/real-time can. So we're going for tension, creepiness, dread and disgust. Hopefully you felt some of that while playing the demo. Thank you though for the comment!!!

Oh also, and this is just me, but when I played it, the limited voice acting kind of took me out of it. It just felt out of place. i know a lot of VNs have limited voice acting, but to me, it just was weird. But granted I was super hyper when I played it (you'll know what I mean once I upload my play through of it), but it just wasn't doing it for me. I don't like saying that but it just felt off. 

Either way though I loved what I played and am looking forward to the full version! Hope to see more cut scene like things in the full version!

Oh wow, you did a playthrough!? OMG, Bullhead thank you so much! <3

I will definitely be watching it this weekend. 

And yeah as for the limited VO, hmmm, I wonder if it's just a case of the VA's performances that made it feel off, or if it's just the concept of this kind of VO happening in a *horror* VN? I know in more typical VN's (otome, dating sims) it usually works, but perhaps for horror VN's it's not quite so effective.

Hope you enjoy the video! Please don't be too offended by it, I was a little hyper while making it.

But to me, the voice acting was off because it was in random places, and sometimes repeated the same few quotes just a few minutes apart, and they rarely matched with what the text was saying.

Here are some more of my thoughts