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Really felt the Junji Ito vibes! In fact, after playing this, I went and got my hardbound copy of Uzumaki to reread. You did a fantastic job overall. Really enjoyed your color palette, and especially your font choice. Brings me back to the "Kid Pix" days.

Looking forward to more from you! And I'm very impressed with the quality of the game considering it came from RPG Maker. Maybe I need to give the engine another look myself.

Thank you so much! I wish I had a physical copy of one of his works, but I just can't find them no matter where I look, haha

RPG Maker can do some great things, far more than most people give it credit for! There are limitations, sure, especially considering how easy it is to use, but you just need a little creativity and the right scripts (most of which you can find on the internet) to break from the traditional RPG formula it was made of and do something different.

I've been really thinking about using it, especially since I'm participating in my first game jam starting today and want to make sure I have a finished product. My limited experience is only in game maker, and I like it's coding system as its not too difficult to understand, in the same way python is.

So I have RPG maker, but after just one session of messing about with it, it's tools seemed very limited. Can you recommend a good starting point? Perhaps for a game similar to yours or one like The Witch's House? Scripts or tutorials that helped you out? Thanks in advance, and great job on your game once again!

Ps - Amazon has amazing hardbound collections of Uzumaki and Gyo and Tomie for only 15 bucks each!

While it is true that RPG Maker is limited, you just need to get creative with it! Basically I'd say know what you want to do with it and then start searching scripts that can help you achieve it (google is my best friend with this). If you're familiar with scripting and the engine's language you can do wonders with it, but if you're like me and only know some of it, you can probably try modifying existing scripts to do what you want. I don't really know any tutorials (I'm more of a learn by example kind of person, so all the modifying of the scripts I did were done by trial and error), but if you're looking for scripts I recommend starting with Yanfly, Yami, Himeworks, Galv and others (seriously, google is all you need friend), they have a vast selection of scripts that are, for the most part, free to use!

Thank you again and good luck with the game jam!

(PS: Yeah but those are in dollars isn't it? If you convert them to my local currency weeeeell it's not that cheap, plus shipping is a pain. I would need to find them in a physical store for me to buy haha i cry)