Hello, when unpacking the archive "Grandfather's Secret. Part 2.rar" an error occurred, so I use the archive "Grandfather's Secret. Part 1.rar", but when I started it, an error appeared stating that it is necessary to install some components, by the way, this is not the first a game made in Unreal Engine for which I would have to install (I haven't done this so far) some components. My point was that in some cases the game may not want to take the time to install some components! But out of respect for the work you have done, I decided to do it!

I clicked the "No" button:

My experience in this game:
After watching the video, you may have noticed that the game has a low frame rate per second, I have a rather weak computer, I’m sure I’m not the only one, so I would advise you to work on optimization and add graphics settings so that the user can change them to suit their needs or as a last resort, switch to simpler game engines (Unity, Godot, etc.), since Unreal Engine is not always suitable for creating small games