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Ok, I have to say that I might have cheated a little by writing down the final recipe on a piece of paper to not open the book all the time. Sorry for that, but I love that you made me take a piece of paper to complete your game :D Not many games force me to do that.

Ok, after writing everything down it was time to start brewing. Everything went according my plan, but then I started to mix up Flora and I recognized that I'm not having rain. Damn. Making a Seed again. Ok, careful now. First Death finished. I was happy. Then I realized, that I need a second one. Noooo...

Ok, focus up, we are halfway through. Making Life again, then Seed, then Flora. F***. Forgot the rain again. Ok making the rain first now. Focus up now. No errors now. Second Death.

During the mixing I had the feeling that this game somehow doesn't follow the theme. I knew that something is fishy. And then there was the end.

Ok, enough story telling :D Now it's time for some feedback.

I think my text above shows that I enjoyed your game, at least to a degree. Running around got a little tedious after a while. It would have been cool if you also implemented the arrow keys for movement, because switching my hand would have helped a little. (Playing with the right hand on WASD does not feel right :D). 

It helps the immersion to pick up the empty bottle and then fill it with one of the main ingredients, but I would have prefered if I could just go to the ingredient and take a bottle filled with it from there. Would save some walking. I don't know if you like this idea. Btw. I love how your air flows out. 100 points for realism :D Same for earth, but some could say it's sand. But wait, sand is an ingredient itself.

The graphics are nice. The only thing that is missing is the player idle and run animation, but that's ok.

The sound got a little to repetitive for me because the loop is very short. Sorry.

I hope you enjoyed my feedback and I also hope that it helps you improve this game or future games ;)


Thanks for your feedback! I appreciate that you wrote down some recipes on paper. It isn't cheating at all. I call that being resourceful!

My changes that I would make to the game would first and foremost be that potions can be used more than once. I also found it to be too much running back and forth. I like the idea that you suggested. Makes sense about the music loop. I made it sooo last minute.

Appreciate you taking the time to play! Glad that you had a good time.

I can totally understand the music loop problem. Had the same problem with one of my other game jam games :D But to be honest I was also a little bit to lazy and I hate making music.

One question. I see that there are many recipes which are not really used in this game. Did you plan to have several "customers"? Or have you been to motivated mixing stuff together? :D

Maybe if you give him another potion there will be another outcome ;)

Some of them were just added for fun.


Hmm... Do you want me to play your game again? :D

Hahah. No it's ok. If you give him a truth potion, he will spill the beans on what he is up to.