Thank you for playing!
Your comments about sound are all good. I've been thinking about casing sounds too, I think it'd make it a bit too noisy with everything going on, But I'll try it out and see what I think.
My thoughts about the UI have been to keep it to the sides so it doesn't get in the way of the limited vertical space. But you are hardly the first one to make the same comment so I'll look into finding a better solution.
I've been meaning to look over the fonts and make all proper pixel fonts. One day...
I'll fix the map bug.
It's good that you've had the same thought as me about a "bestiary" I think. Been planning on putting something in the hub area (which is really empty now) which'll reveal more and more about the enemies as you kill them.
It’s “can hardly wait”, unless I’m grammar nazi-ing a pun in which case keep it, it’s a crumb that will drive at least 50 online engagements down the line.
It's not really a pun, and I can barely call it even a reference. It's the name of a movie which was the first thing I thought of while writing the description. I'll probably change it though.