It’s a less violent Besiege.
- The simple, clean, low poly 3D is perfect.
- Water shader could be a bit nicer though.
- Level names as clues for the solution can be a bit difficult. I have no idea what an “ell” might be. Maybe this is some train nerd thing. And I’d call that “cross” layout a “figure 8”.
- On the other hand, I thought “chain” was a great descriptor
- So some other clue as to the solution could help on the more difficult layouts. A limited number of auto-placed pieces? You could put a badge of shame on the level select to show the player cheated and is small brained.
- A way to reposition the already-laid pieces would be handy (chain level fdfsff)
- UI (buttons etc.) needs polish, needs some nice chill BGM and SFX, but I assume that’s all on the to-do list