Gege Akutami's semi-weekly manga publication 'Jujutsu Kaisen' has spiraled into worldwide success and acclaim. To base a work on it would surely be foolish for most, as you risk falling short of it's excellence.
Niblet, however, is not most. Satoru Gojo Backshot Simulator proves to me that one can elevate the source material to heights never before seen. I have never witnessed something this perfect, this profound, this earth shattering...
We have reached the top at last. Where Hitchcock crawled, where Kubrick walked, Niblet doesn't just run, but instead soars high with the eagles, far above the clouds.
It's with great pleasure and absolute reverence that I tell you, my brethren: our search is over at last. We have found it, our messiah, and their creation which is the absolute zenith.
Satoru Gojo Backshot Simulator alone is the peak, and the very definition, of cinema.
1/10 never cook again