Easily the best visual novel I have seen. It is a slow burn but the pacing makes the character and story progression so much more meaningful. This vn greatly resonated with me and I feel like if found it a few years ago it would have helped me in better understanding and perhaps even accepting certain aspects of myself. The struggle and internal conflict with one’s own sexuality. The shame and confusion, the building of walls to protect yourself. Wishing so desperately to be “normal”. There is so much I love about this visual novel. There are so many more things I wish I could say but can’t find the right words to express them. I just want to say thank you for creating and sharing this.
<3 thank you and thanks for reading. i'm a fan of the slow burn = meaning as well. i really did want this story to matter or possibly have some "use" to it for those that were open to any messages it was sending. thanks for taking it seriously and dont worry, i cried too and i wrote the damn thing :p
if you haven't seen the Revamp, check it out. i'm still working on it and it's easily lightyears ahead of the original.