Good stuff:
Cool theme, the environments are nice and interesting. There is a possible future vibe getting through here. Big slow bullets are a nice touch from the enemies and look nice visually. Flamethrower-fire looks cool.
Bad stuff:
The main menu music is atrocious, not in how it fits thematically or the melodies, but in how it is mixed, really annoying. Streetsmusic is also bad, but it is not intrusive. The amount of enemies makes it hard to get a closer look at the environments, endless spawning might not be the way to go, it just becomes piles of guys following you.
Gunanimation plays way to quickly. Muzzle flash for tommy gun disappears when continuously shooting, it also plays the shooting sfx when out of ammo if you keep clicking or holding down. I think there being no delay between firing a weapon might be the thing that creates some issues.
Flamethrower sfx needs to be replaced.