The game's visuals and sound are nice, and there's a good hook to a potential story as well.
I had a few gripes with it, mainly that it was hard to navigate through the map. I'm not sure if every area looking the same is part of the story but sometimes one can find themselves swept back top the start unexpectedly if not paying attention to the map, which is easy to not look at when one has to navigate around the igloo without diagonal movement. There was also a lot of trial and error to find which paths swept me back, and maybe it's my not so stellar memory but I had to make myself a little paper map crossing off the paths that led to the start again. There was also a lot of tobias and player getting swept away together which led to the story not progressing for a while.
Other than that, the UI looks nice, character sprites and protraits are pretty, and I greatly appreciate that there is a submission with themes others didn't add, it's inventive!