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ok understand, so basically if someone put my game to his collection is basically because he is interested, right?


In 99% of the cases, yes. Just be happy and proud if your game is put into collections.

However you can use collections for anything, and I have seen people use it for instance to keep track of malware:

(1 edit)

Ok I understand :)

thanks :)

Hope ITCH can do something against peoples who upload fake projects,

They do. But they need you to help. (insert that picture of that bear that want's you to help prevent wildfires).

If you come across suspicious projects, hit that report button on the bottom. And tell them why it is suspicous, like provide a link to the original in case of a stolen game.

What they desparetly need to improve is their hacked account detection. 2fa will not protect against cookie theft. And there do be technical stuff to detect hacked accounts, even if the tokens are valid.

ok I will


Think of it as a bookmark. People use them to manage their favorites or as a watchlist, or as a reminder that they already have visited that project. Or any other thing you can do with bookmarks.

Best case is, that you find yourself on a public collection with a descriptive name. Then you know the intention.

ok :) so it seems to be positive when someone put my project into collection


Of course. It means that your project was found. But small numbers can be deceiving. You do not know if it is merely a watchlist or if is favorite lists.

On the browse page you can put items in collections without visiting the project page.

Look here for example collections.

Yeah, it makes sense... thanks :)