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I played it till the end! It's quite enjoyable, one of the best that I've played and the puzzles are well designed. Is there only 1 ending though? I really like the mechanics while the art and sound effects are really good! It requires very high brightness to play though, so maybe you can readjust the sprites color in the future :)

Anyways, there's a sprite sorting order bug in one of the later levels(I forgot which, it's around the bottom left area) :D


We had plans for a "good" ending but didn't have quite enough time to implement and test it properly before the deadline. It's something we're probably going to add after the rating period is over.

That's helpful feedback, thank you! I didn't really know how much leeway to give with the brightness, so I'm glad that you were still able to finish the game.

We actually are recently aware of that goofed tile sprite placement. We were hoping no one else would notice before we could fix it, but there's no getting by you!


Well those tiles are just minor problems anyways, the game is near bug-free and most importantly fun! XD