Quick question for everyone? Out of all of the characters so far if we have them all fight each other who will win and why?
(Spoilers) In terms of combat I feel like it would come down to Lyn-Lyn vs Linda.
Lyn-Lyn is an excellent and very experienced fighter, with her fighting in the ring daily and able to hit “weak points” all across the body to stun her enemies.
Linda has her parasite abilities, greatly enhancing her strength and endurance, as well as giving her a whole array of new abilities to take down her opponents.
Tho Linda outperforms Lyn-Lyn in strength, Lyn-Lyn still has a very decent chance to win thanks to her agility and Linda not knowing about protecting her own weak points.
Honorable mentions would be Edith (I think?) with her magic scythe and Camilla with her spores. But one is stationery.
Pixie would slaughter everyone, but even hypothetical scenarios cannot force that woman to fight unless she wanted to.