Continue being too stupid for this game. Apparently the only thing I remembered was to enable Sprinting, because apart from that I believe I was again confusing active and inactive seals initially, and was again thinking that the special jumps (1, 2, 3) are on rightclick rather than being automatically used when hitting space.
This automatic usage is driving me crazy, I keep losing mana because I hit space in anticipation of reaching a ledge, and then jump in the air. But be that as it may, there is a serious bug with physics, sometimes jumping has a random half second delay, I believe because it thinks it is still "glued" to a wall, as when hugging a wall, you can feel that it captures you and your jumps also are getting delayed, because they are now walljumps, or something. This snapping onto and away from terrain can be felt very often. At one point (55:36) I got completely stuck inside the terrain and could do nothing at all.
Feature wishlist:
- Lewds for motivation
- 90’s style raw FPS movement instead of modern-day autoparkour style
- Customization - labyrinthine vs. execution based dungeon. I enjoy both the pathfinding and the jumping (apart from physics issues), but both being cranked to 100% is tough. Would be fun to play dungeons that are ONLY about pathfinding (labyrinths), or play dungeons that are just a series of linear jumpy rooms.
Speaking of the labyrinth aspect, I understand it is all meant to be a nice mental challenge, but having random visual variation (wall textures, props) in the dungeons, so that you can 'feel' where you are instead of tracking it in the head, would make game much smoother.
Aye, keep on grinding.