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"This is an amazingly made game, I expected Ren'Py and was pleasantly surprised by a highly customized RPGMaker game. I really like the unique look, the surrealist aspect of the game definitely is the  most unique part..."

Thank you, I really appreciate it! 

 (statuses are even unchanged etc)

There are some alterations to most of these, getting more important over time and additional features are added to them later on. Sleepstat for instance gets a chance for enemies to use alternate, heavier attacks, in the part I am working on now, among other things. The visual stuff for some of the old rpg maker elements is getting replaced as I continue to work.  A lot of the combat systems still need a lot of polish, and more unique features. I am not satisfied with keeping them "ordinary". 

"... hood because I mess with RPGMaker a bit, I quite enjoy the ingenuity!"

Very nice to get some input from someone who is familiar with rpgmaker, I am still a bit of a beginner, recently learning to abuse common events and states to create some more advanced effects and combinations. 

Part 2 is more polished and I like the straightforward simplicity compared to part 1. I enjoyed the little twist for the last rung of the fetch quest. There are some difficulties with the bosses, but nothing not overcomeable with time and a revive.

Visually, act 1 has received an overhaul and some more polish, storywise the game gets increasingly complex in its structure each act, it's more or less traditional escalation. 

"Bugged out space? "

Thanks for pointing this out, I know what caused it. Changed the map when I overhauled the visuals, must have missed replacing one of the transfers so you are being teleported to the position appropriate for the old map. 

Fish and Randomness -

Lowering the speedstat is a good suggestion, will do.  The initial thought was some forced tutorialisation, to get people to change between moods and cards, just as with the early Euthanasia boss which can stunlock you eternally unless you switch up your gear a little. 

"Similarly, there's a forced segment on the house roof later in Act 2"

Did actually think about this, if you die, you do not get a gameover but are instead teleported to the central tree. 

One final note that I think is good is that there are a lot of custom animations/ shorts that a fitted between scenes, it really helps bring the story to life. The hunt scenes in act 2 are quite the kick in the feels.

These get increasingly better, will remake some of the act 2 stuff. You wanna sneak a peek at how they eventually end up you can look at this: 

P.S: I think I got most of the conspiratorial references, my time browsing /x/ was well-spent!

; )