I'm so hyped, I can't-- Why you gotta hype us up whilst we're still in waiting? It's agonizing x'DD
1) What content would you like to see in streams?
I'm still waiting on that writing stream you promised ;;D Also, maybe some little art tutorial will be nice? Not sure if that's doable tho and might disturb the artist's workflow, so just the usual is good enough for me. Chatting with you guys with amazing art in view and good music in the background? Perfection *^*)b
(Also psstt. maybe if everything is about Minami, I would be over the moon ;;D)
2) Where do you think the twins and Rei are going for their date?
I'm not all that familiar with them and frankly they scare the shit out of me (lol). Never been a fan of threesome routes (I get jealous easily and subconsciously play favorites), so I'm totally not the route's demographic. Minami's more my thing. I like playing top protagonists. Yay, go figure. Please tell me your next games have more purely bottom love interests, not just one. Or just give the player the liberty to choose or something, like in Seiyuu Danshi ;w;
Anyway~ enough about me being pathetic. I'm guessing they'd go somewhere thrilling? Like getting it on in the darkness of a haunted house (the amusement park kind) or something, I dunno (lol). They're fuckheads, after all uwu"
3) Where do you think Minami and Rei are at?
The aquarium? Since you guys talked about glass cracking and water spilling out everywhere in the stream. Just a guess xD Either way~ I'm so excited for their date! Wohoo!! >w<)/
4) Which option would you pick for the story teaser?
C) “No training seminars please…”
I'd choose B if Rei were the one who top him, but since he's (most likely) not, I'd go with C. Not A because I'm fine with being cooped up. Not D because I love guessing~ so C it is! Even a seminar nerd like me won't go to one for a date uwu"
With that all said and done, I wish you some more best of luck with the game development~! Cheers!! >w<)/