Finally, Dirk is here! Sorry for not having a Dirk NPC in Plunderground yet, just didn't have the time.
Anyhow, the others already mentioned the dialogue needing a hint at who is talking, like having the text have different collors in old Monkey Island games perhaps.
Control scheme was iffy for me, because im using a QWERTZ keyboard, not a QWERTY one.
I didn't get too far in the game, but i started of with a point in charm. When i was stuck i tried agility to jump around, remembering that book on the shelf, but i couldn't pick it up. Jumped around a bit more but couldn't find a way to go on. Maybe im dumb like Dirk.
Dialogue in general is pretty neat, even though the font is sometimes hard to read (recently switched out the pixel font from my game just because of that, its a pain). Dirk seems to be the classic idiot hero of old adventure games that everyone can identify with, thats great. And i love his green hood/green cape outfit, somehow it really appeals to me.