Day 2:
Been fixing up the in-game GUI and filling out my test map with new random things like fog and other various models, though there's still some replace-me images like the items below. I have a vampire main guy and here he is observing some human circulatory systems through a wall.
As a stealth game, you'll get to know where everyone is, though when they're out of sight it's just this - no enemy type or facing information. Enemies have half or quarter circle field of views which can only be seen when they're in line of sight.
As you acquire blood from defeated enemies, you can use it to purchase and power spells.
The spellbook is partially done, but will probably put it off now and finish it up later as I start putting together the actual spells.
All this UI taking much longer to do this now because unlike past games it's a) using a 3D engine which is more demanding of time and setup, and b) now includes mouse driven actions and audio which I've not historically had much experience with. Some of my animations and 3d work looks a little rough too - there's some nice smooth movement but it's jarred by occasional pop in/out for things entering leaving view and things like that. The fog is also jittery at the edges. If you look at the above gifs or just take it in general it's fine but the close details are messy. I'm going to have to keep my head on straight and ignore it until the end, otherwise I'll start to fall behind.
Tomorrow I want to skip ahead and start working on map generation. As a stealth game, the enemies and abilities all needs to fit in with the layout of the terrain.