our cat threw up while we were playing this which i think interfered with the vibes slightly
also my spouse was the one playing so here is their Guest Comment:
"I liked how the up and down motion felt, as it did feel buoyant to control. So, even though there was not a whole lot of interactivity, what was there was nice.
I feel like... well, I have experience with trance state type work, and I actually didn't grasp it was a kink for a really long time. It's something I like as a concept normally and in safe for work contexts. But, I myself find it very hard to get into trance state when I'm around others, and even generally. So, playing with our cat interrupting us, did kind of make that harder... and also, playing alongside someone (anyone really) makes it hard for me to connect to works that are about altered states of consciousness.
I feel like I can struggle when I don't know "who" is talking to me. The video game was talking to me, but who was that? Who was the voice? I mean, my guess is "you", but without knowing who "you" are, that kind of thing ends up feeling unsafe for me to connect to as well, and interferes with the hypnotic process. This feels like a bit of a shame, and I was thinking about what would have made this something I might have been able to feel... and what came to mind for me was "if a character had been doing this to me, and I had any idea who the character was, then I might have felt more emotional investment in this... but as it stands, I have no idea why I want to be a pooltoy or a toy at all, or what any of this has to do with me emotionally". So that felt a bit sad. I grasp this kind of thing can work for others who don't really want to connect with a character, or who have no problem reading the voice talking to them in a way that removes whoever is on the other side of it... but due to my own blocks with accepting hypnotic regression, I just couldn't connect very well.
Regardless, I did like the concept of the game, and I thought to myself that I could easily imagine others having a good time with losing themselves to it. So, I hope you had fun making it and I hope others enjoyed it too."