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(1 edit) (+1)

Okay wanted to put down a quick review of sorts, its not going to go into anything but wanted to share my thoughts.

First is the more simple things, combat and story, these are fine, Looking at the Rework notice, this might change so not going to mention anything to this yet. so all good for this part.

So lets go to another minor thing, choices, some are strange and some sort of spoil how the story is going to go, for example the start, could just put '....' for the what you bring so anyone playing has no idea what's in the characters head and dont know what their going to say so it will hopefully allow the player to have the same reaction as the one your talking to (no spoiler).

and then to the main part of my thoughts, the character you play as... seems more evil than the games says they are, at the start you get 8 'good points' even if you pick evil choice this seems to be the default so why do they sound like they already picked the dark side? even if your good you still be aggressive (or at least passive aggressive) and be-little everyone, for someone who lost their memory and don't remember their past this seems off to how the character should act, of course the start might be seen as a conscious thought and talking without thinking but the rest seems to not be that. I know it might just be the character being stress or frustrated but still, could make it more natural think until you decide what path you choice. Just saying this as seems to indicate that no matter the choice the character wont change how shitty they act to others.

With all that said I still look forward to an update, this is only my opinion however so you don't need to listen to it, just wanted to share what I thought about the game so far, everything else is not worth mentioning yet or fine enough for the build.

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Thanks for your comment! I love reading messages like yours; they're not very common, so they're definitely appreciated. Regarding the dark personality of the protagonist, it's intentional. My aim isn't to create a hollow character, but rather one with depth who can make decisions for or against themselves. In the end, it all boils down to what benefits them and what doesn't, what they desire, and what they'd rather avoid.

Let's focus solely on what you've seen in this build. The MC is impulsive, egocentric, apathetic, ambitious, proud, smart or clever, but depending on the situation, he can be very stupid, quick to act before thinking, also that he is a liar. (None of his traits are in a good way) They're driven by their impulses, and that's the essence of the karma system: impulses. You could say that he is an imperfect character, and that is how he was designed.

(2 edits) (+1)

can you maybe change how the Female character is represented, its sort of a little off putting as the character sort of acts like a guy so its a little strange when trying to read through it, sort of felt I was reading someone else's thoughts, just a little thing and hopefully doesn't distract you much but be nice to have a concrete feeling for the character and their story, one biggest example of this is the Evil comment after the first Fight, it was really off putting when you the female character. talking about Karma, they don't have a lot of differences, the character sort of acts almost the same but only difference is, you don't seem to like your guide. Maybe be improvement as the game continues but this is just something I wanted to add as just finished the evil Path so its more one of the final thoughts before the next update.


Hmmmhh... I never thought of that, also because the MC is still the same person regardless of his gender, at least in this build, she doesn't deviate so much from her personality based on her gender as he/she doesn't have any experience being male or female.

Okay, that sounds reasonable although that said, the characters thoughts don't match up to what you want it too, in this build anyways, not having any experience should be sort of more of a confused mess so maybe you only remember liking Girls, maybe even having a crush or a Girlfriend, no matter if your male or female, at least you can sort of show that's the reason for the quick love interest and flirting, this can fix the issue of the character automatically trying to get somewhere with the other characters. Tiny thing but would fix your little issue of not knowing anything plot though that's my thought, it is your story after all so its overall your choice, am excited to see the story overall, the main characters story, to me at least, isn't really something that's interesting to me in this game so far. Anyways, I Think that's me done for this build so thank you for the response and hope you have a great development as its really good story prologue so far.

Off topic but what Anime is this based on again? cant seem to remember even though I've seen these characters before lol XD


Thanks, I appreciate the constructive criticism. This build is what I could come up with based on what I had from the previous project, which was indeed more confusing. The new update I'm currently working on is more extensive, so maybe it'll change your opinion.
I'm still improving and doing the best I can.

The anime I'm basing the project on is called Isekai Quartet, featuring characters from popular Shonen Jump Anime like Dragon Ball, Naruto, One Piece, etc., added in.

Ah, that's what the anime is called, Thank you. I wish you luck on the next update XD