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pretty sure if you would set up a Patreon you could live from it. dosen't seem that lucrative


from talking to other game developers and content creators that sell on Steam and other websites and  Itch the devs get a bigger cut of the sales on Itch


Yes, itch even gives option to make that cut zero. I have set it to default to support them for giving me an excellent platform.

(1 edit) (+3)

Yes, but have you seen what happened to developers that have too many backers. Most become lazy resulting in game getting slow updates. 

My update schedule is not any better but living off on Patreon definitely not gonna help it. I will too become lazy knowing that there will be constant supply of money even if I don't work.

The only reason I'm focus on making games more it because when I get bored with one project I can always switch to another to keep me out of boredom. And my regular job is much different than this so I'm always excited to work on games.