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1. Which 2s member?

2. Who asked YOU to talk? Don’t even get started about who asked me to talk because I believe everyone in 2S does

3. Oh so coming in and calling our friend a tryhard and sweat isn’t being mean? Brain dead ahh kids 

4. Pro king plays on 20 fps on mobile and he isn’t crying at all what you on about? 💀

Don’t even bother reacting with upvotes / downvotes on this comment, afterall all the people here are too stupid and can’t accept the truth 🗿

^^ too true

The reason I said something was cuz u started being mean to my friends. I get it they were mean to ur friends, but you didn’t respond any better. After all, ur carrying on calling more and more ppl dum and stuff, so thats why I said something. Now can u plz go back to discord.

are we still talking seriously or what because I clearly don’t think you are 🗿

We could be mean to your friends, as an act of self defence, but you do realize that, I get you can defend your friends, but defend them on defendable points with at least some basis of truth.



Are you assuming my locations?

I can clearly see that since you can't argue a point, you're now resorting to ad hominem fallacy ☠️🤡

looks like someone’s desperate 

Nothing else to pull out of your ass? Thought so 



lol im just joking with all of this 

i could care less, but hey, good arguments, i guess… we chill now?


Guys look at this. This guy registered 3 hours ago. He joined itch just to be a jerk to ppl!!!!!

So you admit you're resorting to ad hominem fallacy. Just shut the fuck up if you can't think of anything productive to say.

dont be a hypocrite, hypocrite

Ad-hominem smh. If you have nothing to say, don't say anything.

literally the most hypocritical thing you could have said, but oh well, I dont care

Good. You should have done that earlier. If you didn't care we wouldn't need to have this conversation.
