Nu, gung znxrf n ybg bs frafr, ohg tbvat onpx gb gur obggbz sybbe V sbhaq naq rkcybevat jvgu U, Y, 0, naq $, V qba'g frrz gb or noyr gb trg naljurer bhgfvqr bs gur znva nern. V nyfb unir rpubybpngr, juvpu vf fhccbfrq gb yrg zr trg gb flzobyf V pna'g frr jvgu s, ohg gelvat s" naq s> fgvyy qba'g gnxr zr naljurer.
I did notice earlier that at one point I used the o command to try to look at a pile of gold and it deleted it instead; I'm not sure if maybe something similar happened to delete what I was looking for on the last floor I found. I also noticed a fair number of incorrect things in the :help pages, but a few wrinkles are to be expected from a 7DRL game.
All in all, I really enjoyed it even if it took me a hot minute to get the hang of it. :)