I played it for 4 hours straight and it seems pretty decent.I didn't get bored once so that's a huge plus.The game is so simple and amazing...but I noticed that the more you play the less barrels and planks you get so you could fix that.You should also add other animals like crabs (food),more fishes,diffrent sharks (sharks have diffrent abilities,so if you have a tiger shark they will only attack you while youre in water and only a hammerhead can destroy buildings),cows (milk , food),sheep (for bed , decoration).Also add plants like wheat (bread) and grass (decoration).You could add new constructions like bed (for passing time ,faster growth of plants but has a chance of 2 shark attacks because you sped up time),fences (so cows and sheeps can't escape),doors (decoration),reinforced foundation/floor (Double more health than normal foundations or floors).Also when you place a pillar on a floor/foundation they are taken and you can't put walls on that spot.
That's all for now :) Maybe I'll find bugs or maybe I'll think of another suggestion.Thanks for this game I've been playing it for 4 hours straight and after this post I'll probably play another 3 hours.
Keeping making this game great it has alot of potential.