Thanks for the advice! The blue pits are something I was mixed on too. I brought this comment up to a friend and he mentioned having animations run one frame each turn and having a number appear above pits counting down turns to when a grave/rock reappears. And that feels like the obvious solution in retrospect. Some levels might have to be changed to account for that but I think it’d feel a lot less janky than having random speed challenges.
And yeah, admittedly the undo button is only that weak because the first version of the undo button, while infinite and functional 99% of the time, also occasionally warped reality sending you to previous stages (graveyard rush was originally a 4x2 blue pit rectangle and it was too miserable with only one undo and real time blue pits so it got nerfed)
But I just made this as a quick learning experience, and while I think updating those two things would be a fun challenge, if I stop here I’m happy with the progress I made :)