Visually nice! I like the lighting effects. The jumping I felt was a little odd (mainly how it sorta gains a boost halfway through), but I think I got used to it after a few minutes of playing. The floaty umbrella was fun to use. Like others said, the lack of music kinda makes it feel unpolished- ambience would totally get the job done better. Near the beginning-ish with the second instance of the moving platforms, the foreground objects (those lines? not entirely too sure what they were) made the jumps a little harder than they should've since they blocked the blue obstacles a little, but that's minor. Storywise, obviously not much could be told since there's so little time to explain everything, and I feel like the game kinda suffers because it tries to be creepy while not exactly building up on really anything. You don't need to know everything about something to make it creepy, but i feel like there was too little going on to really get the effect you wanted- it feels more like the voice is just saying Some Stuff without any substance, if that makes any sense. Same goes with the game closing- it just didn't have the right setup, in my opinion.
Other than those little things, though, well done! It was a fun little game to play, and again, the visuals were pretty good.