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This is another game that's doing its best to be unpleasant to play to the player in an arbitrary fashion. Collect all the coins? No. Collect none of the coins? No. Get to the end with some coins? No. It's a puzzle yes, but it assumes I have any interest in solving it despite it's insistence on having me repeat the same course over and over. I abandoned ship after a few attempts.

The graphics are a mix of primitives and simple models. Materials vary from generic coloured diffuses to textured ones, some cartoony, some more "realistic", like the mines. Some are exported with smooth faces, some not. I suspect this is part of the "lie" too. Well, it's not a very attractive one. :)

The music works well for the game, however, it restarts with every reload, which is a little jarring. There are no SFX that I could notice beside the exposions, which sound alright.

I had fun racing the ball, figuring out the quirky physics. Would have much preferred a different type of lying. One that doesn't involve this much repetition.