this was fantastic. i have to say, i am not great at sokoban, or at designing tricky sokoban puzzles (as you may have guessed), but i had a blast solving these. it took me a while but i was able to figure out every single puzzle, and every single one had some really satisfying twist in there.
the last puzzle especially had this. i had to figure out how to get the blue batteries past the gate. then i had to figure out what to do with the green ones. then finally i had to figure out how to get the climax meter to be exactly 7 before finishing the puzzle. all of these steps seemed impossible at first until i just though of little new clever twists, and that's the exact kind of puzzle that i find most satisfying.
there were a handful of say, boring issues with the puzzles. i thought the 5th one was flat out impossible until i looked really close at my screen and saw that each of the red things had a number on it. it would help a lot to scale up the game to fit your whole monitor. another helpful option would be a way to toggle on/off the hidden lines.
but i do need to talk about the horny. man, is this game horny. and it's fantastic. these moments when you're a single move away from failing the puzzle due to climax, and you just push a block out of the way in time... like, that's arousing in a way i didn't know that game mechanics could be.
the sound design and character design really contribute a lot there. hearing the robot whirr up and then either cum if i fuck up, or immediately fall back into a soothing silence if i do it right... (although with the added twist of like, knowing i'm doing orgasm denial at that moment in time...) it's just great. i love the way that the cumming is itself tied to advancing time in the puzzle. to me, this feels like a very sokoban way to do cumming, which is of course wonderful.
i will say the prime horny level was probably level 6. it had the most of those clutch (not) cumming moments. level 7 was too hard and without enough edging to be as horny. ;)
but yeah. just fantastic stuff.