Wow this is like, a complete little game. It has a diverse cast of characters, several areas with different aesthetics and music, four bosses, purchasable equipment, and multiple clothing options that are reflected in your character sprite. The artwork is professional-quality and the environments are captivating--the leadup to the final boss is especially spooky. The music loops are a bit too short but they all fit their respective situations. The gameplay is stimulating and creative; I like the idea of the four primary directions being diagonal instead of orthogonal, though I still wasn't quite used to it by the end of the game. The difficulty is satisfying overall, though I had a lot more trouble with the volcano enemies that any others. The bosses are all unique with their own playstyles. The final boss was especially hard, but I never felt like my deaths weren't my fault (and looking through the comments, I'm glad I'm not the only one who completely forgot about the shield. It's unusual to have both blocking and dodging in a game).
I do have one feature request: I'd like an option to make the cursor relative to the player instead of relative to the camera. That would be more intuitive to me, and it would mean that my aim doesn't depend on whether the camera is moving or fixed. It would also be easier to control with less-accurate pointing devices.
Finally, I have a huge kink for casual nudity, so this game was right up my alleyway. I'm also quite into bloody combat, and I was served quite well in that department too.