Saving the farmers produces more rations, but I chose to kill the farmers as it would equal the playing field for thieves and soldiers alike, even killing me would be of no benefit. Merchants are also kept in line and think twice before playing anyone else as supplies are so low and I chose to also eliminate the workng class, they have no structure of corruption to work off of, and they are either forced to engage in farming themselves, or they become their own merchants and ration their own divisions amongst those that have placed them as elitist individuals. Basically, I'm no tyrant, you absolutely have your own way, but from ME is limited. I am pushing them into freedom and independence that they are too lazy to even try for now that money means nothing and I had no interest in bribes. I want supplies. But even I can't have that save a few that I had to use in a legitimate act of selfishness that would NOT go the full 24 days either.
People seemed to hang on pretty well for about 6 days, I can assume children died as none appeared in my legitimate playthrough.
Edit: By killing those brainwashed by the old ways and wanting to latch on to the power structure, It allows new ones of any generation that did not have a place with that previous generation to now have a place, but foolishly, they all did not care for it.
Tip: When they offer money in desperation, that was my license to kill, reset is necessary when society is reduced to nothing by a society that led it there.