Definitely early in development, but I really like the art you’ve put in this! I really like what you’ve done with Bitsy Color + Twine + Flicksy2 together here – combining these three engines in this way highlights the strengths of all of them, and they cover each others’ weaknesses: Bitsy creates a sense of space that Twine games typically lack, Twine creates a depth of content that Flicksy2 and Bitsy rarely achieve, and Flicksy2 creates interactive and animated graphics that neither other engine has a means of providing. I haven’t seen these used together before and I think it’s a real highlight to take these three notoriously limited game engines and jam them together in a way that feels perfectly natural, like they were designed to be used this way, and using them independently seems trite and silly now.
So I really like the concept, and I think it’s executed well as far as it goes! I’m definitely curious about the methods you used to staple these together.