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Hi there, and thank you so much for downloading and reviewing my game! The ten levels in the demo were originally intended to be training levels, though yeah, I can see how making them different from the other levels would be appealing to players. And giving the drones(those green things in the training levels), the ability to shoot back would no doubt make things more challenging, for sure, and hopefully I'll have a health system finished at some point, too. 

Also, I'm honestly not sure I remember how I got to making the spacebar be the main selection key, TBH; definitely agree that Enter would be much more intuitive! (BTW, thanks letting me know about the settings thing-I'm not sure what broke there, but I'll look into it ASAP)

The music was a track I found here on, but I'll definitely consider hiring someone to do some custom music for this game, for sure.

In any case, I really do appreciate y'all stopping by, and I hope you'll indeed stick around for further updates and the eventual final release!