Thanks for the quick test again! It looks like it worked too, although I'm reminded that I still need to figure out why the bullet casings going left are black for you. Have even less of an idea why that happens.
The problem had to do with the way I handle animations, in short its all flipbook animations handled in shaders in an attempt to optimize it for the CPU. Now this is all speculation but it seems like trying to fix what I think the problem was fixed it; the way I had it set up with handling different properties for different projectiles created a massive amount of branches that caused the slowdown. How shader branching is handled seems pretty dependent on hardware, drivers, etc so its possible that how its handled on some systems caused it. Could be because of some difference between Linux or Vulkan or something, not sure.
So I made a change to avoid branching that is much more convoluted and probably ~80 more instructions per frame but if it works...
I don't use Discord much but I'll add you for sure.