Hey, it's always great to see another RPGMaker horror dev here! This game looks so stylish and I can already tell it's up my alley. I'm enjoying the initial cyberpunk vibe.
So, very initial thoughts- I hate hate hate hate hate games with flashing lights; they're automatically inaccessible to me because I have chronic migraines. I'm pushing through because I want to see what this is about- it looks SO COOL- but if they're excessive or intense I *will* have to nope out without finishing the game. It'd be nice if you could have an accessibility mode where they're toned down or not included.
I love the art style- your pixels are crisp, and your aesthetic is on point. It's surreal and dreamlike, and the stuff you're doing with the UI and the font design is SO impressive. As for stats, you're giving me ideas I could use for my own game-- I can already tell that there's some interesting mechanical shit going on. Honestly, it kinda reminds me of Suda's games- which I need to get around to playing.
...I am pushing through, but you were not kidding about the flashing lights. :(
I love the JJJBA-style Character Diagram that pops up when new characters are introduced-- wish the screen held on them a little longer!
The spooky bunnies are super cute, the ghost deer are appropriately creepy, and I absolutely love the environment design.
Getting into the combat- I love the way everything looks, though James' sprite being cut off at the knees is a little awkward. The animations are STUNNING and the mechanics look fun - especially with the quirky alternate stats! Unfortunately, I can't give a good assessment of the combat, because... well...
The room after the first combat encounter is where I had to cut things off- you were not kidding about the flashing lights, and the flickering effect killed my ability to continue. I really, really, *really* want to play this game-- it's so stylish and cool! - but my ability to play is *heavily* compromised by the flashing lights and the flickering/glitch effects. If I keep going, I will hurt myself.
I agree with most of the things that the SilverDaze dev said- it's pretentious, the dialogue is a little awkward, and there's a lot of surreal dark imagery- but from my POV those are all positives. I can see the Team Silent influence, the Black Tabby Games influence, and the SUDA influence in here, and it's used incredibly well- if you're a fan of any of those devs' work, I'd recommend checking this out.
From what I saw of the game, it's an easy 4/5, and the single point docked is because it was actively painful for me to keep playing. I'm following you- if you release an accessibility mode for this game, I will be ALL over it. But until then, I've gotta tap out.
- Mal