Hello! Welcome to Feedback Quest 6! My name's Hythrain, and I'm one of the hosts and streamers for this event! This feedback is being written live on my stream.
But you know this already, Moogle. You've been to my streams!
So when I first booted this up, I wasn't sure what to expect. Immediately it made me think of an RPG Maker game, which I'm pretty sure it is, but that feeling went away the moment I was into the game itself. Custom graphics and music, nothing feels like RPG Maker here. Even the combat system feels unique in comparison. In fact, I had to stop myself because of how much fun I was having.
I honestly don't have any major feedback to share other than the fact that I absolutely love it. :) When FQ6 is over and I don't need to do some filming, I need to come back to this AND Soul Survivor.