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(1 edit) (+1)

emulates the feel of old DOS games incredibly well, not only in palette and sprites but also in gameplay concept and execution. very different from the traditional definition of a roguelike but definitely in spirit and also very interesting conceptually. you can usually bend the system in your favor pretty easily depending on anomaly luck, but the process of learning how to do that is interesting which i see as a win. building mines and labs near any natural source of energy is usually pretty powerful, especially when unlocking repairs. one time i got teleported via a one way wormhole into a dead end where i just sat and died. i got the forcefield ending and the pylon ending, which seems like a "true" ending as it were.

Thanks a lot for sharing your experience! Balance is obviously off, not easy to properly fix duing the limited time i had for playtesting.  Nice that you explored different endings! I left wormholes working that way because i thought it would be ok for early-90's style game, but apparently it is rather frustrating nowdays =)