God... I just have to say, what incredible read. The whole thing took me days to complete with several hours per session. I won't spoil anything, this is way too fucking good to do that.
However, I will mention one thing. If you are playing this for the first time, DO JENNA'S ROUTE LAST, I highly recommend it. My personal opinion on what order the routes should be done in is as follows:
Carl, TJ, Flynn, Leo, (Side Stories in the Gallery, accessed by clicking on the lake in the title screen, then the phone on the right side at the bottom. Scroll down to the bottom to find all the Side Stories.) And then lastly, Jenna's route.
It doesn't quite matter what order you do the other 4 routes in, but at the very least I recommend doing Leo's route second to last, and then do the side stories before finishing off with Jenna's route.
Like I said, I'm not going to spoil anything, but there is a very good reason that Jenna's route should be done as the very last route. Several story aspects that I cannot mention without spoiling anything, so just take my word for it.
Also, all routes except TJ's and Flynn's have multiple endings. I would suggest doing both endings for each route before advancing to the next.