GG. I come from libGDX discord. Here is some feedback:
You could make the Windows, Linux and Mac distributions smaller if you bundle a standard JRE, not the whole OpenJDK (since it has files for development only). You can get these distributions in Adoptium Temurin.
Also have an exclude(“**/*.psd”) in you Jar task (desktop/build.gradle) so it won’t include Photoshop files (as you wouldn’t need it to run the game, only for development and it will only take space in the distribution).
If the Mac distribution only includes files for x86_64, you better make clear in the name by adding “intel” to it so Apple Silicon users won’t be confused because can’t run the app (Or maybe they can? I never used a mac).
The window in a 1366x768 monitor doesn’t show entirely, it hides the title bar, so its hard to close the game, you could reduce the default window height 100px, or even better, add fullscreen mode and an exit option in the game.