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If you have any questions about how to do something, ask me! I'll reply ASAP! (as soon as possible)


do you know the major differences between this game and the Scratch version?


I don't really know if there are any, but moss-shadow said in the Scratch version that no further updates would be added to it


The scratch edirtion has let storage, so less is on it. Hope that helps <3

dose Creekfoot wake up

Only if you make her deputy

Does she say anything particularly interesting?

She just says hello

How long does it take the old coot to pass. I want his stone. Also can you have kits multiple times

Yes for kits, just switch mates. I recommend you make your previous mate deputy first, so you don't have to look at their sad faces

Idk how long it takes for liontail, to pass, but to get their stone you can become leader, to

I think it's day 20

you can become leader and he'll give it to you

How do you become leader

|MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AT LEAST 80 REP, OR THIS WILL NOT WORK.| talk to moonheart when you become a warrior, and then go collect the moss ball from the warriors cave. go to the shore and  place it on the red X, go away from shore, and then wait until midnight. when midnight comes, go back to the shore, and Mosskit/Moss-shadow should be there. talk to her, and you should bring her to Bramblestar, and you will become leader!

Or you can get 80 rep after doing so

oh cool, I never heard of that!

Why cant i name my kits? Their father is duskfall if that helps

When you click on a kit it'll say "name me?" Reply with yes and then it will ask for the prefix

thank you! I was accidentally putting the name first instead of saying yes lol

Deleted 351 days ago

is there any other way to get rep then hunting and giving the med cat the den

you can tell on crystalblaze&sunfall, and you can go on border control

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how do i give med cat the den

after you kill the badger talk to her

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are you actually mossy?

haha no I wish, just a big fan 

But the badger isn’t dead at that time. When it comes BACK, then you kill it

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yes you can go on patrols

i think I’m stuck? I got all the fireclan graves except one, and I don’t know how to progress beyond that. Also, do we ever find out what happened to nightwhisper and sparrowtail?

the last one cant be done, and no

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the last one is firestar's grave (you had to kill him earlier) and the game assumes you don't want to decorate that one LOL

also how do you become a medicine cat? do you just do a bunch of favors until the current medicine cat asks you or what?

how do I progress? i got all the fire clan graves except one and I have no clue how to get it. i also don’t know what happened to sparrowtail or nightwhisper, what happened?? also how would you become a medicine cat?

sparrowtail ran away when your leader, and nightwhisper… she drowned. And the grave in the middle I think you can’t decor it. Medicine cats prob you can, but maybe not. Go ahead and collect herbs.

how do you become med? i keep giving the med herbs and she aint asking to be her apprentice-

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i saw a few comments up there talking about "can you get your father to confess he is your father?" The answer apparently is no, but I really want to know how to see my father.......

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also another question.... is there any easter egg if you call yourself Mosskit?

I don't think so, I'll try and I'll get back to you!

how to get to the fair

can you have a mate as nonbinary?