Very cool concept, and really impressive amount of polish. I would love to see this idea get developed further. Visuals and gameplay are pretty good.
*Note: take my criticism with a side of salt, I only played about 10 minutes of the game, before getting softlocked, so my points may be invalid for later portions of the game. I will come back to this in the future and update this review if necessary*
Points of criticism:
--> Maybe I haven't gotten far enough but I'm not sure what the theme connection was?
--> Enemy pieces appear to only move when they can take one of your pieces. Maybe it gets more difficult later on but many levels are very easy to beat by choosing a piece that can attack enemies without getting inside their line of attack and slowly whittle them down, at the cost of the par bonus
--> I found a softlock while playing, conditions are placing a piece that can't move due to board state, hitting fight, and having no money to reset. If there was a way to get out of this softlock I could not find it.
Overall rating 4/5 stars-Theme was weak imo which is an important part of it for me, and there were some issues I had with it, but the neat concept, gameplay, and visuals really impressed me, especially considering the time limit. Would love to see it expanded on